Cferthorney Com Relaunch

Relaunching I have finally gotten around to relaunching my personal website, here on I have also migrated my previous personal blog posts from my old personal website, now business site The old articles can be found at, and new blog posts such as this one are I am not going to promise to blog often. I keep saying I will, and it never happens. Blog articles are likely to focus on more personal aspects and non-business related tech posts. [Read More]

Welcome to

Welcome to David Thorne’s websites Welcome to my personal website. It is mostly designed to act as a way for people to get my CV / resume, my public SSH and GnuPG keys. You can also access my infrequently updated blog where I talk about my life away from work, mostly surrounding fitness and Cystic Fibrosis awareness. You can also find a list of public speaking events I have done (With links where possible). [Read More]