Contributing to Drupal - a useful guide

Some links have been stripped from this article due to age and inaccessibility. Having been to a couple of the London Drupal Code Sprints [] now, I have managed to contribute a number of patches for documentation on Drupal Core (None have been accepted at this time, but I am working on them still to get them in) but there seems to be a lot of momentum at the moment behind getting more involved in the community. [Read More]

Trialing Bitbucket

This page is heavily out of date due to both Github and Bitbucket changing their pricing structure. It still offers free private and public repositories as of June 2017. I now use Gitlab for private repo’s. So I have decided to trial Bitbucket [] for my private source code repositories as it provides upto 5 users with unlimited public and private repos. For now at least I will be leaving my public repo’s on github [github. [Read More]