Trialing Bitbucket

This page is heavily out of date due to both Github and Bitbucket changing their pricing structure. It still offers free private and public repositories as of June 2017. I now use Gitlab for private repo’s. So I have decided to trial Bitbucket [] for my private source code repositories as it provides upto 5 users with unlimited public and private repos. For now at least I will be leaving my public repo’s on github [github. [Read More]

DrupalCon Munich Day 2

Some links have been stripped from this article due to age and inaccessibility. All URL’s are to unless otherwise stated Day 2 of DrupalCon Munich, and once again I was up for the keynote (I am doing 1 keynote better than last year! At D.C. London I only made Dries' keynote). This time it was by Anke Domscheit-Berg, entitled “Digital Democracy - How Technology helps Governments and Citizens to Open Up Politics and Public Administration” It was a very interesting keynote on the importance of open data, and allowing people access to non-sensitive data. [Read More]

New 'Summer' Project

Some links have been stripped from this article due to age and inaccessibility. OK so I have proven decidedly rubbish as blogging in this 12412 [] lark but having said that on the front page of 12412 they have got May’s project written up in June and nothing for July, so I don’t feel too too bad (But still very guilty) I have managed to calm down a bit by looking at what I have at least tried to learn this year: [Read More]