Some links have been stripped from this article due to age and inaccessibility. OK so I have proven decidedly rubbish as blogging in this 12412 [] lark but having said that on the front page of 12412 they have got May’s project written up in June and nothing for July, so I don’t feel too too bad (But still very guilty) I have managed to calm down a bit by looking at what I have at least tried to learn this year:
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DrupalCon Munich - here I come!
Links have been stripped from this article due to age and inaccessibility. I have just booked my ticket to DrupalCon Munich this August - I can’t wait! Looking forward to seeing people I met last year in London, meeting new people and drinking plenty of German beer! (Drupal + Beer = awesomeness! Seriously hoping Drupal + German Beer > Awesomeness!)
Now all I need to do is find a hotel… Thoughts on hotels near The Westin Grand in Munich I’d appreciate it!
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January's 12412 - Part 1, design
Links have been stripped from this article due to age and inaccessibility. View Part 1 here
Shown below are the completed 960 design, as well as the 720 pixel layout. This should result in no scroll on an ipad in portrait mode, where you have 768px.
The 960 version has been tidied up and completed. I also changed the social icons to icon dock’s social media icons [] due to them having both Drupal and Github icons, whilst my original (And slightly preferred choice) did not.
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January's 12412 - Part 1, design
Some links have been stripped from this article due to age and inaccessibility. OK so as many of my loyal blog readers know (Actually do I have any loyal readers? Any readers at all would be a bonus. Mmm I digress..) I am in the process of updating this site to drupal 7.
I also feel it is time I updated the design of the site, as it is about 2 years old, and was well a fudged design using [Artisteer [Artisteer.
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12412 - twelve things for 2012
This is an old article with links stripped out due to their new site being not safe for work OK so there is an online movement called 12412 [], encouraging people to learn 12 new technologies over the course of 2012. This really appeals to my inner geek, as I love learning new technologies, but I usually go about it in a half baked way, and loose track quickly. So I am determined to do something along the lines of 12412 and spend some time each month learning new technologies.
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An additional blog focus
Some links have been stripped from this article due to age and inaccessibility. OK OK, so I have once again forgone the idea of making resolutions I know I won’t keep. So does a new year mean I have to change? And does it mean I have to make resolutions? No but change still needs to come and here is why…
Obviously I will get older (thankfully not the big 30 this year but will do in 2013), supposedly wiser, and probably not get richer (Especially as I am having to slow down the amount of work I do due to health issues with my CF) but all these things are a change.
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An additional blog focus
Having been seriously ill over the past few weeks, I take a few minutes to reflect and look to add an additional focus to my blog…
As many of my loyal readers know, I have a health condition called Cystic Fibrosis []. It’s genetic and up until recently, I haven’t been too badly affected. Sadly my health isn’t as good as it has been, culminating in me spending 3 weeks in hospital (Where I am as I write this)
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ios and android decisions decisions
Links have been stripped from this article due to age and inaccessibility. Firstly yes this is a blog entry by me, I know you are all shocked and I apologise for being away so long. I am busy with my job [] and also preparing a new version of this site. Hopefully including upgrades to Drupal 7, and a new design - (With the aim of having a fully responsive design to iPhone resolutions, as well as several popular android phones) I am hoping to launch that sometime between now (Early Nov ‘11) and New Year (Jan ‘12)
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To Drupal 7 or not to Drupal 7 that is the question
This page is heavily out of date, as Drupal 8 is now available. Links have been stripped from this article due to age and inaccessibility. I’ve not blogged for what seems like an age! I wish I had an excuse above and beyond “I’ve been working and moving house” but I don’t, so I won’t give an excuse. Oh hang on I just have. Bother! Anyway I figured I would try and update my blog more regularly in the future (I know I always say that but what the heck I’ll give it a go) I decided to write my next blog article on something that I am being asked a lot by my customers at Contemporary Fusion Computer Services [Link removed, site and company no longer actuve.
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PHP Quick Tip
Some links have been stripped from this article due to age and inaccessibility. If like me you need to have RPM/.deb based PHP instead of a self compiled option (For example you are using something such as Plesk which wants RPM/.deb based PHP) and you don’t want to play the rpm -Uvh --justdb (or dpkg equivalent) game I discovered today that you can compile just various modules of PHP using a combination of the phpize (found in the php-devel RPM or php5-dev deb package)
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