New year, new beginnings

Some links have been stripped from this article due to age and inaccessibility.

OK I say this every year, but I really must do this blogging thing more often (And actually really start blogging on my company site [] too). So 2012 was a difficult year for me both health and business wise (Something I am working on), and there is SO much more I wish to do over 2013!

I am not too sure where best to start with it all! One thing I am determined to do is get this site’s new theme sorted, as well as my company’s site updated to Drupal 7, get the e-shop working and some products sold (Because let’s face it, even if I will only sell 1 thing, that’s 1 more way of making money for my business where I am not doing huge amounts of manual work :-) )

So I started this year off by managing to come off IV’s on 31st December 2012 (Having been on them for over 6 months of 2012 - yes over half a year) That’s scary as far as I am concerned - even if about 2 months of them were “maintenance” IVs (IE those that I have because I need a boost to stop me getting seriously ill) which of course made the start of the year a lot better than the end of the last! So when I finally decide what it is I am going to do this year, I will let you know. I have big plans for my 30th including going to see the Northern Lights as my 30th Birthday present to myself, and I will be seeing the Ashes in August at the Oval which I am really looking forward too. First up though - finish the projects I didn’t get done in 2012 due to being too ill!

Whatever you end up doing this year, make it a good one. And just to put it out on my blog as well as my numerous Facebook posts, please consider signing up to organ donation. []. Yes I am being proactive about this, but if this last year has taught me anything it’s one day you, me or a member of your family may need an organ. Like my friend with CF, Kerry Alex Thorpe [] who is desparate for new lungs (There is more air in a can of coke than there is in her lungs right now!) and everyone has the power to save a life (Up to 8!), so please consider it. Thanks

Enjoy the New Year and everything it brings!

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